- Posted on: Apr 19 2015
With the proliferation of hundreds of choices of sodas, many Americans reach for their favorite flavor when they’re thirsty. Soda is everywhere you go, restaurants, fast foods, supermarkets and the temptation is great over the use of water and more and more children prefer the sweetness of soda and are drinking it in place of water. The Michigan Dental Association is very concerned that the increase in soda consumption is putting children and parents, as well as anyone who drinks pop at a much higher risk of tooth decay. Not only does soda affect the health of your teeth, it can lead to a number of other health problems where research has shown it can lead to obesity, heart disease, kidney stones and osteoporosis. All and all, it can affect a number of body functions that can or will lead to some serious medical problems in the future.
Americans are Drinking too Much Soda
Over 27 percent of all beverages consumed are soft drinks Americans are drinking today and rising. The average person drinks about 1.5 cans of 12 ounce pop or what is referred to in the dental profession as ‘liquid candy’ every day. Males between the ages of 12 to 19 are at a higher risk as they consume between two or three 12 ounce cans every day. Tooth decay for children is the most common chronic childhood disease and is five times more common than another health; asthma. By the first grade, half of all children have cavities in their primary teeth which can lead to serious oral health problems. With this incredible number of children and their cavities, over three million hours of school time are missed each year that would be much more productive in the classroom if soda consumption was reduced. And only two percent of 19 year olds in the U.S. are living with the recommended standards of a healthy diet.
Children are Getting Hooked Early
Some disturbing research has listed some of the detriments of drinking soda:
As opposed to drinking milk, which provides calcium to help build strong bones, man people opt for soft drinks and other drinks without the necessary vitamins and minerals needed for healthy diet. Calcium deficiency is one of the more serious nutritional problems here in the U.S.
Children drinking too much soda were shown to reduce their nutrient content in their diets and decline significantly from the 3rd to 8th grade. Milk consumption dropped from 2.5 times a day to less than 1.9 times a day from the 3rd to 8th grade. While this was happening, soft drink consumption tripled between these grades with the drink replacing juices and milk.
Why Calcium Matters
There is a definite link between calcium and gum disease. With a high calcium diet, the study showed females with low calcium intake had a 54 percent greater risk for gum diseases, a major cause for gum disease. Individuals with a high calcium intake have a much less risk of gum disease and tooth loss.
Some preventative measures if you drink soda are to stop drinking soda all throughout the day and drink in a short time with food or a part of a meal. Drink in moderation and even diet drinks contain acid that attack teeth and result in decay. If you don’t brush right after drinking, you should at least rinse your mouth out water. Never drink soda or juice before going to be or put in a baby’s bottle, this leads to it pooling in the mouth, coats teeth with sugar and acid and leads to decay. Drink water instead and always brush and floss regularly to remove plaque that leads to tooth decay.
Tagged with: Calcium, Oral Health, oral hygiene, Soda
Posted in: Featured Posts