
Preventing Infections In Dental Implants

Many people have dental implants and many of them suffer from infections. Caring for your dental implants and practicing good oral hygiene can help prevent infections. Dentists have also found a new way to prevent infections. “The DentaPlas system consists of three layers, with two plasma polymer layers surrounding a center layer of silver. Within this… Read More »

Grand Rapids To Experience A Warm November

If  you weren’t read to welcome winter to the Grand Rapids area, you may be in luck. It looks like the area may be experiencing several more days of warm weather. Temperatures are still in the 70s and even the nights have gotten warmer. Winter won’t be far off though so enjoy the last of… Read More »

Adoption Agency To Host Open House

There are many children in the Grand Rapids area that are ready to be adopted and looking for home. Adoption agencies have so many files that they are desperate for these children to find loving homes. November is National Adoption Month and in order to make more people aware of the current children available for adoption… Read More »

Professional Football Players Dental Health Affects Performance

Poor physical health can affect a football player’s performance on the field, but what about their dental health? A recent study shows that many professional football players have poor dental health and that it could be causing performance problems. “This study provides the most reliable evidence that oral health within professional football is poor, and… Read More »

Tooth Decay Risk Doubles For Children Exposed To Second-Hand Smoke

Everyone knows that smoking is unhealthy and that second-hand smoke is even worse. A recent study shows that children who are exposed to second-hand smoke are twice as likely to suffer from tooth decay. The study also shows that 42% of American children aged 2-11 have decay in their primary teeth. Read the full article here.

Michigan DNR Needs Helping Finding Black Bear Dens

Michigan DNR official are looking for black bear dens and are asking for help. They need to find he dens in order to do research on the bears and their populations. They are asking the public to keep an eye out for dens for warning everyone not to go into a den or get too… Read More »

How Bad Is Candy For Your Teeth?

You have probably heard a lot about how bad candy and sugar is for your teeth, but do you believe it? Do you really know what kind of effects sugar can have on your teeth? Dentists claim that most people would be horrified if they really knew how bad candy can hurt your teeth and… Read More »

Dentists Offer Advice For Dealing With Halloween Candy

Halloween and trick or treat are over and your kids probably have bags and bowls of candy that they just can’t wait to sink their teeth into. Before you let them start on those chocolate bars and lollipops, think about how too much candy could harm their teeth. Dentists are warning parents that while a… Read More »

Is There A Grand Rapids College Building That Is Really Haunted?

It’s almost Halloween and many people are out trying to find something haunted to spook them. Grand Rapids if full of many haunted attractions, but are there any locations that are really haunted? The administration office at Aquinas College, which is celebrating its 125th anniversary, is rumored to be haunted. But what is the story… Read More »

What Are Your Fillings Made Of?

Dental filling are common and some people prefer different types of materials for their fillings. Gold was once a popular choice and although expensive, it still is. Would you ever think of putting crystals or stones on your teeth? The new look is not only becoming popular, dentists say it could actually help protect teeth.… Read More »