Who doesn’t want a white smile? There are many products and treatments that promise to make your teeth white, but how many of them really work? Some are just a waste of money and others can actually harm your teeth and gums. Your dentist can help you get your teeth whiter and tell you which… Read More »
Everyone wants whiter teeth, but some whitening products and treatment can be expensive. Harsh chemical in these whitening products can actually harm your teeth over time or if used to often. Luckily, there is a better way to whiten your teeth. This method is safer, more mild and requires a products you probably already have… Read More »
Everyone wants a pearly white smile, but drinking hot lemon water is not the way to get them. In fact, hot or warm lemon water could actually be staining your teeth and preventing them from being white. Many people are drinking hot lemon water as part of a healthy diet. It has many health benefits,… Read More »
When it comes to a smile, bright, white teeth are usually a sign of good oral health. Brushing and regular dental cleanings are the best way to keep your teeth white, but for those who have stains or yellow teeth, teeth whitening systems are another option. Whitening products are all over the market and come… Read More »